
How to Sync a Palm Tungsten With Outlook Express

How to Sync a Palm Tungsten With Outlook Express

With the HotSync feature included with Palm Tungsten devices, you can sync your PDA with Outlook Express. This allows you to browse your contacts and manage your mail on your Palm Tungsten.



Install the Palm Tungsten software. This software is required in order to sync Palm Tungsten with Outlook Express. To install the software, place the CD-ROM in your PC and follow the on screen instructions.


Use the HotSync cable included with your Palm to plug into the USB port of your PC. You will then plug the other end of the cable into your Palm Tungsten.


Open the HotSync Manager program on your PC through the "Start" menu or clicking on the icon. You can manage the different programs available for synchronization through this program. Select Microsoft Outlook as one of the applications that you want synched onto your Palm Tungsten.


Turn on the Palm Tungsten. You will see a star icon on the menu of your PDA. Tap this star with your stylus to start syncing Microsoft Outlook Express. A dialog box will appear on your PC during the process to know the progress of the synchronization.


Unplug the cable from your PC and Palm Tungsten once the sync is completed. As the Palm resets, you will now notice that Microsoft Outlook Express is available on the PDA.

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